my passions fitness

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,
Greetings from New York! As you may have already heard from the news, the New York Marathon has been cancelled. Though it was sad for us, runners, we understand and support the decision of the city and the organizers to cancel it. Maybe they could have made the announcement sooner but then again our focus now are the victims to get back on their feet…
My coach, Ani De Leon-Brown and I still ran at Central Park last Sunday.

Coach Ani and I with Filipino friends Paul Loiz and Carlos De Guzman

I know you were excited for us to run as you have  supported us greatly in this trip. Wouldn’t have done it without you, al..
There are no opportunities lost though as we’ve been also given a chance to make a difference here by God’s grace. Kindly check the link on CNN .  I had the chance to be interviewed by CNN live which was shown around the world.  What an honor!

Grabbed this photo my Ate Angeli @AngeliPV posted on twitter of the CNN World Sport News interview

I hope that as we look forward to coming back next year to finally run the race, that you will still support us.  God bless you, all!
More updates to follow as I get settled upon my return 🙂
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November 5, 2012 by Mommy Maricel

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